
We pride ourselves on being doctor-led and keeping a keen eye on the health and wellbeing of everyone who uses our service. This means that key leaders in our service are qualified doctors with years of experience in elderly and geriatric care, palliative care, frailty, and other relevant medical specialisms.

Whenever our carers visit you, we encourage them to review what they’ve done for you and how you’ve been feeling, and compare this with your previous visits. If any of our team has a concern, our in-house doctor will contact you to flag up anything we feel you may need to follow up with your own GP or hospital consultant.

Smiling carer and service user - Oakwell Homecare Birmingham

Therapeutically minded

All senior leaders and staff at Oakwell Homecare have undertaken professional development and training to understand what it means to be therapeutic in how we think about care and how we shape our service to you.

This then transfers to our Care Team through our in-house training sessions and constant reviews of services, policies and procedures. Training to our leadership on taking a therapeutic approach is delivered by a qualified and experienced Clinical Psychologist.

Our carers are able to discuss any concerns about individuals to our team of doctors who are at hand 24/7 to offer advice on potential escalation pathways, such as your registered GP or local hospital, to promote timely intervention.

This service is complimentary and does not replace any existing medical provision or expertise you are accessing.